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INSCOP: Almost 50% Of Romanians Believe That The Republic Of Moldova Is Closer To Romania And The EU

Almost 50% of Romanians believe that the Republic of Moldova is closer to Romania and the EU, while 10 years ago, the percentage exceeded 50%, according to the data of a survey conducted by INSCOP commissioned by News.ro.


However, the number of those who believe that the Republic of Moldova is closer to Russia and the Eurasian Union decreased by 10 percent.


Regarding the future of the Republic of Moldova, the number of those who believe that it will remain at its current status is approximately equal to that of those who believe that it will join the EU, and 16.5% believe that it will unite with Romania.


47.1% of Romanians are of the opinion that the Republic of Moldova/Bessarabia is closer to Romania and the European Union (compared to 51.7% in November 2013), 15% to Russia and the Eurasian Union (compared to 25.7% in November 2013), and 27.2 % neither one nor the other (compared to 15.8% in November 2013). The share of non-responses is 10.7% (compared to 6.8% in November 2013).


The socio-demographic analysis reveals that the people over 45, the passive inactive, the residents of Bucharest and from the North-East or North-West region are of the opinion that the Republic of Moldova/Bessarabia is closer to Romania and the European Union in a higher proportion higher than the rest of the population. 


Especially young people under 30, people with higher education, white-collar workers, residents of the Southeast region and those with higher incomes think that the Republic of Moldova/Bessarabia is closer to Russia and the Eurasian Union, 


Asked what they think will happen in the future with the Republic of Moldova/Bessarabia, 29.7% think it will remain as it is now, 28.9% that it will join the European Union, 16.5% that it will unite with Romania, and 12.4% that it will will get closer to Russia. 12.5% do not know or do not answer this question (13.4% in November 2013).


The most significant evolution in the last 10 years of Romanians’ perception of the Republic of Moldova is the decrease by 10 percent of the weight of those who declare that Bessarabia is closer to Russia. Also, the share of those who believe that the Republic of Moldova will integrate into the European Union or unite with Romania is higher than those who believe that it will remain as it is at present or will get closer to Russia. Analyzing the data as a whole, the main conclusion is that public opinion has a more realistic assessment of the Republic of Moldova, connected to the positive developments of recent years”, remarks Remus Stefureac, director of INSCOP Research.



Friday, December 15, 2023