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Russian ambassador in Bucharest - summoned to Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Russian ambassador in Bucharest, Valeri Kuzmin, was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) on Thursday, after a drone fell on the night of Wednesday to Thursday near the town of Grindu în Tulcea County.

In this context, the secretary of state for Strategic Affairs Iulian Fota conveyed the firm protest of the Romanian authorities to the new incident generated by the uncontrolled crash of a drone used in the attack on the Ukrainian port infrastructure, according to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Romanian official firmly requested that the Russian side immediately stop the attacks against the Ukrainian port infrastructure, which endanger the national security of Romania and the safety of grain shipments from Ukraine through the Danube and Black Sea ports.

The secretary of state firmly condemned the actions of the Russian side to escalate the security situation in the region. The attacks of the Russian Federation against the Ukrainian civil infrastructure represent war crimes, the release also states.




Friday, December 15, 2023