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Survey: Approximately half of Romanians will spend less money on holidays compared to last year

More than 40% of Romanians say they will spend less during the winter holidays than they did last year, according to a survey conducted by CEC Bank in partnership with the FinZoom.ro bank comparator.


To the question – compared to last year, this year do you think you will spend more or less on the Holidays – more than 40% of respondents claimed that they would spend 10%-30% less.


At the same time, about 27% say they will spend the same amount of money, similar to last year. Only 23% of those surveyed say they will spend more than last year on the occasion of the holidays, while over 9% have not determined the amounts they will allocate to this period.


Regarding the allocated budget, 30.5% of the respondents say that they will fall between 500 lei and 1,000 lei, while a quarter of those surveyed will spend less than 500 lei. About 20% of the respondents will spend amounts of 1,000 – 1,500 lei and only smaller percentages of those surveyed allocated larger amounts.


For more than half of those surveyed, the main expenditure for the Holidays will be on food, for 42% of respondents on gifts and only under 5% will allocate most of the money for the holidays. But even the main expenditure category, food, has a budget of less than 600 lei for 70% of the respondents.


For other categories of holiday expenses, almost 50% of respondents will allocate less than 300 lei, over 31% will allocate between 300-600 lei, about 13% between 600-1,200 lei and just over 5% will allocate amounts greater than 1,200 lei.



Friday, December 15, 2023