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Justice minister will meet Italian counterpart to discuss runaways and mediation

Justice minister Alina Gorghiu announced that on September 10 and 11 an informal conference of justice ministers from member states of the Council of Europe will be held. On that occasion she will have a bilateral meeting with her Italian counterpart to discuss in depth the question of “runaways”and about alternate methods of solving conflicts.


Mediation works extremely well with them, but we have not succeeded in assimilating it as an alternate method of solving conflicts and this can be another topic in this bilateral meeting we will have,” said Alina Gorghiu on B1TV.

She showed that since the beginning of the year about 600 runaways have been brought back by the Romanian state.


Most of them are from Great Britain, Spain ranks second and Italy third with 77 runaways we succeeded in bringing back to Romania in a short period of time,” the justice minister added.


Alina Gorghiu pointed out that the National Penitentiary Administration made sure that the runaways can serve time in Romania. “We are preoccupied by detention conditions and we will have 1,200 new places in the Romanian penitentiary system by the end of the year. Over the last 33 years no government succeeded in building a new penitentiary in Romania. We are building new pavilions and renovate detention places,”she said, adding that all is due to “finance barriers”.


The justice minister indicated there are two penitentiaries under public purchase in Buzau and Ilfov, with foreign and Romanian funds and loans.


Gorghiu showed that the variant of public private partnership was also tested 8 or 10 years before but it was not successful, and said she would try to reopen the topic.



Friday, September 8, 2023