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Polish president Duda: The Three Seas region is a refuge for investors in trying times

The countries in the region of the Black, Adriatic and Baltic seas are "a refuge for investors, in trying times," said the president of Poland, Andrzej Duda, on Thursday, at the opening of the 3SI Business Forum.

The leader from Warsaw claimed that in recent years the states in this area had "the most dynamic economic development among all European economic regions". He recalled that following Wednesday's Summit, Greece became the 13th member of 3SI and thus in this region there are "120 million ambitious European entrepreneurs".

For his part, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic spoke of the fact that, in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine, the economy and energy were affected "not temporarily, but structurally". In this case, he said that "adaptation is needed".

The president of Latvia, Edgars Rinkevics, pointed out that "the geopolitical situation emphasized the vital importance of sustainable connectivity". He also spoke about the importance of interconnectivity, because "economic growth cannot be done in isolation".


For his part, the president of Lithuania, Gitanas Nauseda, spoke about "Russia's energy blackmail" that his country experienced. He showed that Lithuania knows the value of energy security and aims to become a self-sufficient green energy producer in 2030.


Moreover, Nauseda spoke about the option of transport corridors for Ukrainian grain through the Baltic region, estimating that they would have a capacity of 10 million tons per year.

The Special Representative of the US President on climate issues, John Kerry, emphasized the importance of green energy. The transition to green energy, he emphasized, is "the biggest transformation of economies since the industrial revolution".


The American official recalled that scientists drew attention to global warming 35 years ago, and currently these natural phenomena "are happening faster and faster".

"The transition to clean energy is the solution to global warming," Kerry pointed out and said that the option of obtaining clean energy through nuclear reactors is a safe one.



Friday, September 8, 2023