Labour Ministry suggests contingent of 30,000 non EU foreign workers next year
Labour Ministry suggests adding 30,000 persons to the contingent of non EU foreign workers next year, according to a Government Decision published by the institution.
The measure is determined, initiators say, by the need to ensure labour force needed in certain areas of activity or trades, which cannot be covered by Romanian workers or EU citizens.
“According to provisions of art. 29, paragraph 1 of Government Order 25/2014 on hiring foreigners in Romania and the amendment of certain decisions on the foreigners' regime in Romania, approved by law 14/2016 and considering the dynamics of issuing hiring visas, which have recorded a significant increase compared to 2018, the need to ensure labour force in certain activity sectors or trade, which cannot be covered by Romanian workers or EU citizens , citizens of the European Economic Area or of Switzerland, the prevention of situations in which foreigners work in Romania without legal documents, we suggest a contingent of 30,000 foreigners admitted for work in Romania”.
According to the Labour Ministry, foreigners who could be hired in Romania by a single employer, based on work visas, would represent about 0.6% of employees in economy at the level of August, which was 4,979,200 persons, according to the National Statistics Institute.
For permanent workers or assimilated to permanent workers, employers will pay taxes and other contributions provided by the Romanian law in force.
According to Labour Ministry data, in 2018 the total number of foreign workers was 15,000 persons and 30,000 persons in 2019.
“Reported to the latest data sent by the General Inspectorate for Immigration, the number of hiring approvals issued for foreign citizens over January 1- September 30, 2019 was 21.366, almost double the number recorded in the same period of 2018. 1,577 requests for hiring approvals for foreign citizens were being solved. In this context, the General Inspectorate for Immigration estimates that 30,000 work visas will be needed for 2020,” the government decision project mentions.
The Labour Ministry quotes data of the National Labour Agency according to which 97.003 jobs were declared vacant by employers over January-August 2019, which means a monthly average of 12,125. For the same period of 2018, there were 63,819 jobs declared vacant by employers, an average of 7,977 jobs.