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MAE reacts to the statements by so-called representative of Russia in Kherson against Republic of Moldova

Romania strongly condemns the statements made by the so-called Russian representative in Kherson, a Ukrainian region illegally occupied by Russia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) said Thursday in a message on Twitter.

According to MAE, "such statements against the Republic of Moldova and targeting part of Romania's territory, a NATO ally, are unacceptable", the ministry's representatives adding that "hitting the civilian infrastructure is a war crime".

The Russian ambassador in Chisinau, Oleg Vasnetov, will be summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MAEIE) for explanations regarding the recent statements of a Russian representative in Kherson, threatening the Republic of Moldova, inform MOLDPRES and Noi.md.

MAEIE stressed that the Republic of Moldova strongly condemns the statements made by the Russian representative in Kherson, a Ukrainian territory under Russian occupation. "Such statements are totally unacceptable. We will not tolerate such language directed against the Republic of Moldova".

The ministry in Chisinau said it would "urgently summon the head of the Russian diplomatic mission in Chisinau" to ask him for "appropriate explanations".

The pro-Russian governor of the Kherson region, Vladimir Saldo, threatened that the Russian army would strike the bridge at Giurgiuletsti in response to today's Ukrainian attack on a bridge linking the Ukrainian region of Kherson to Crimea. "The coordinates of the bridges in the Odessa region, from Giurgiulesti to Moldova, which was part of Ukraine, but was handed over to the Danube since the time of the regime of (former Ukrainian President Viktor) Yushchenko, all these coordinates are known and soon there will be quite a serious response," Saldo said.

According to Russian-appointed officials in the Kherson region and the Crimean Peninsula, on Thursday morning Ukrainians fired missiles at the Ciongar bridge connecting the Russian-controlled parts of the Kherson region to the Crimean Peninsula.

Known as the "gateway to Crimea", the Ciongar bridge is one of several that link Crimea - annexed by Russia in 2014 - to the mainland. The bridges offer an alternative for connecting the peninsula's isthmus, a narrow strip of land, to the mainland.
