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nPloy, the innovative job matching platform, fights discrimination in recruitment and the workplace

  • The recruitment platform has launched an anonymous survey among employers and employees in Romania


  • A study carried out in Romania shows that 4 out of 10 employees have personally experienced or witnessed situations of discrimination at work, well above the European average of 17%.


  • nPloy launches a wide awareness campaign and asks both employers and employees to take a short Discrimination & Inclusion survey to share their views. 

  •  Based on AI technology, the platform guarantees objective assessment of candidates through anonymous recruitment, focusing exclusively on candidates' qualifications and skills.


Discrimination in recruitment and the workplace continues to be a significant concern across the EU and Romania. According to recent data by Eurobarometer, in 6 Europeans felt discriminated against in the last 12 months, with the most of them saying it happened at work (23%) and when looking for a job (13%).


A Romanian research showed that almost 4 out of 10 employees have personally experienced or witnessed situations of discrimination in the workplace, especially because of political orientation, belonging to an ethnic group and an older age. Moreover, 3 out of 4 employees have not participated in diversity and inclusion training programs in the last two years, regardless of their hierarchical position. Approximately 40% of Romanians would be uncomfortable if they had a colleague from the LGBTQ+ community, compared to the 12-15% average for the EU.


Recognizing this alarming issue, nPloy, the innovative job board that entered the Romanian market in February, is running a comprehensive campaign to promote diversity and inclusion in recruitment and the workplace. The AI-based platform has developed a groundbreaking solution to ensure objective evaluation of candidates through anonymous recruitment. By removing personal identifiers such as name, gender, age, and picture, from the initial stage of the selection process, nPloy allows employers to focus solely on the qualifications and skills of candidates, promoting a fair and unbiased evaluation.


To further raise awareness about the importance of diversity and inclusion, nPloy invites both employees and employers to participate in a short anonymous Diversity and Inclusion survey. By sharing their views and experiences, stakeholders can contribute to creating a more inclusive work environment in Romania. nPloy will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the survey results, announcing key insights to bridge the gap and foster understanding between employers and employees.


"Discrimination has no place in the hiring process or the workplace, and we are determined to bring about change," nPloy co-founder Konstantin Tsonev said. "By leveraging our innovative anonymous recruitment model, we aim to level the playing field and provide equal opportunities for all candidates. Through our awareness campaign and the D&I survey, we hope to foster an environment that celebrates individual differences and empower organizations to build stronger and more successful teams", he added.


Learn more about nPloy’s campaign at https://nploy.net/about-us/.
