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Romanian military at NATO C4ISR Coalition Warrior Interoperability Exercise 2023

A delegation of 90 servicemen represented Romania this month at the NATO C4ISR Coalition Warrior Interoperability Exercise 2023 (CWIX 2023), held at the Joint Force Training Centre in Bydgoszcz, Poland, where 406 deployable command and control systems were tested and more than 25,000 interoperability tests were conducted.

The CWIX exercise gives the Romanian military the opportunity to assess the level of interoperability achieved by command and control systems with allied and partner countries, but also contributes to the maturation of national defence capabilities by training personnel and experimenting with new concepts and technologies, the Ministry of National Defence (MApN ) informed in a press release sent on Thursday.

According to MApN, this year, about 2,000 military and civilians from 36 nations participated in the CWIX exercise. The Romanian delegation, led by the head of the Information Technology Agency, subordinate to the Cyber Defence Command, included specialists with the Land Forces Staff, Naval Forces Staff and Air Forces Staff, Directorate of Communications and Information Technology, Cyber Defense Command, Communications and Information Command, Joint Forces Command, National Joint Training Center, Defence Geospatial Information Agency and National Defence University.


Chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL) Nicolae Ciuca said on Thursday that the laws regarding special pensions, MPs's pensions and the accumulation of pension with salary shall be adopted by the end of the parliamentary session, adding that the Liberal ministers shall be present on Monday at all governmental and parliamentary activities.

"It is illegal for magistrates to go on strike. As such, we have understood and discussed at the coalition level, we have had line ministers with whom we have analysed this situation. The decision we took today was that next week, on Monday, the ministers will be present at all activities, both governmental ones, but also those that are taking place in Parliament, in order to be able to solve precisely these matters," Nicolae Ciuca said at the PNL headquarters, after a meeting of the PNL leadership with Liberal ministers and secretaries of state.

Nicolae Ciuca also said that it is the duty of each line minister to discuss and maintain dialogue with each professional category.

About the 15% tax in the special pension law for what exceeds the average net salary, he mentioned that it will be approved, because it was agreed and it is the only measure leading to the achievement of the milestone in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). 


