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Monitoring missions in Black Sea: Five sea mines, neutralized since beginning of war in Ukraine

 From the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine until now, Romanian military sailors and divers have neutralized five sea mines from the north of the Black Sea, informs the Romanian Naval Forces on Thursday, in a statement sent on Thursday..

According to the source, "the package of forces made available by the Romanian Naval Forces for monitoring activities consists of 11 military ships, two IAR-330 Puma Naval helicopters, six maritime research drones, three detachments of EOD combat divers (specialized in the fight against explosive devices) and the Mine Warfare Data Center (M.W.D.C.) subordinate to the Maritime Hydrographic Directorate, which completes the efforts of the structures participating in the research plan against drifting mines, through the daily monitoring of information about mines discovered in the west of the Black Sea, the daily estimates of the displacement of the surface currents, the estimates of the displacement of suspicious objects in the area of responsibility, as well as the analysis of the images transmitted from the sea, in order to identify them''.

By rotation, naval military ships and Puma Naval helicopters have planned research activities, to detect and limit the danger of mines and to ensure the safety of navigation of all ships in transit to and from Romanian ports on the Black Sea.

Along with the Romanian Naval Forces, other structures with the national defense system, with attributions in this field, as well as partners from the North Atlantic Alliance (France, the United States of America and Turkey), through the missions executed by them with maritime patrol planes, participate.

"The maritime area of responsibility of the Romanian Naval Forces includes the territorial waters, the contiguous area and the exclusive economic zone of the Black Sea, with an area of approximately 30,000 square km, twice the area of (Romanian southeastern region of) Dobrogea. From the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine until now, Romanian sailors and military divers have neutralized five sea mines from the north of the Black Sea," the quoted source informs.
