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The Competition Council: Average prices of basic foods dropped in the first week of August by up to 43%

The average prices of basic foods included in the ordnance regarding the capping of commercial additions dropped by up to 43%in the first week of August as compared to the month of June in the big commercial chains, according to the data analysed by the Competition Council.


Thus, against the month of June, in the first week of August the biggest decreases in prices were registered with fruit and vegetables: the price of tomatoes dropped by almost 44% while grapes were less by almost 38% and peppers with 32%. Price reductions were also recorded for potatoes, onions, plums, melons and carrots.'As the time passes, discounts on food are more and more widespread, as old stocks, purchased at higher prices, run out. I am sure that in the period to come the number of shops with reductions in the prices of basic foods will be more numerous' said Bogdan Chiritoiu, the president of the Competition Council, in a press release.

The average price of telemea cheese dropped by almost 13% while youghourt was cheaper by 9% and milk by 7.8% - still covered by the voluntary agreement between the retailers and the farmers - processors as a result of which the price was reduced by about 20% starting from Ma.


According to the source, the other products which are found in the basic purchase basket such as oil, eggs, sugar and corn flour have also been reduced in price. 

As regards meat, the average price for chicken cutlery decreased by almost 10%, that of chicken wings by 6% and of grilled chicken (whole) by almost 4%. As regards pork, the average price for working meat lowered by 1.8% and the average price for pork loin registered some increase of 1.4%.


On 1st August 2023, the government's emergency ordinance entered into force, with temporary measures to combat the excessive increase in prices for 14 basic food groups: bread, milk, cheese, yoghurt, flour, sorghum, eggs, sunflower-oil, fresh chicken meat, fresh pork meat, fresh vegetables in bulk, fresh fruit in bulk, fresh potatoes in bulk and sugar.

The competition authority has published guidelines for the transfer of price reductions from the chain to the resale prices and clarifications as for the implementation of the limitation of cumulative commercial supplement within the distribution activity, limitation provided by the emergency ordinance 67/2023 which establishes the measures of a temporary character to combat excessive increase in prices for some agricultural and food produce.
