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Nicusor Dan: Catalin Predoiu should withdraw from race for Capital

Nicusor Dan, the candidate of Save Bucharest Union (USB) running for City Hall asked his liberal counter-candidate Catalin Predoiu to withdraw from the race following the opinion poll made by a British firm over May 31-June 1.

“Mr Predoiu declared and assumed it was his obligation to withdraw from the race in case of poor results in an opinion poll. That thing happened. The libral party (PNL) is invited to check data. Mr Predoiu must withdraw or he will be responsible for the result of June 5,” said Nicusor Dan at a press conference.

The poll was announced by the USB candidate for City Hall, Nicusor Dan, and data show that the socia-democrate (PSD) candidate Gabriela Firea ranked first.

According to poll results Gabriela Firea, PSD got 34%, Nicusor Dan, PNL 16%, Catalin Predoiu 11% and Robert Turcescu 5%. Only seven candidates were presented in the poll and 11% of respondents chose another candidate while 15% were undecided.

For General Council PSD-UNPR obtained 27%, PNL 16% and USB 11.5%. 18% were undecided.

The opinion poll was ordered by USB over May 31-June 1, with telephone interviews. 1,000 Bucharest respondents of voting age participated in the poll, the margin of error being of +/- 3.5%.

70.9% respondents declared they would certainly or possibly vote. Those who will definitely vote represent 52.2% of the sample of 1,000 Bucharesters interviewed by CATI method.

The poll was made by TNS company of Great Britain. 
