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President Iohannis sent back to the parliament the law regarding specific taxation in tourism

President Klaus Iohannis asked on Wednesday the parliament to re-examine the law regarding specific taxation for the judicial persons who have activities in the domain of tourism, restaurants, bars and restauration.

The president considers that reexamination is necessary as the law does not cover the aim of the lawmaker, namely the necessity to increase collection of money for the state budget and the promotion of ethics in business, especially taking into consideration the domain of tourism and restauration.

Thus, Klaus Iohannis shows that the companies which will pay higher taxes will increase the level of indebtness and will reduce their investments, will commit fiscal evaion and they will close down their activity. At the same time, the head of state considers that the companies which will pay lower taxes than at present will benefit from an advantage by comparison to the others.

At the same time, Klaus Iohannis states that the advantage of those who will pay less can be interpreted as representing state aid and requires the parliament to consult the European Commission.

The deputies’ chamber adopted at the end of June a legislative initiative which regulates specific tax by derogation from the Fiscal Code for the companies which have activity in the domain of hotels, restaurants, bars and which offer facilities for accommodation for holidays.
