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Ramesh Chandra, the new Ambassador of India in Bucharest

State Secretary for Global Affairs with Romania's Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) Daniela Gitman on Wednesday welcomed India's next ambassador in Bucharest Ramesh Chandra, to receive the ambassador's letters of credence and discuss ways of consolidating the enlarged partnership between Romania and India. 

MAE says in a press statement that the meeting was an opportunity for the two officials to review the main current aspects of the bilateral relationship, while addressing ways of consolidating the enlarged partnership between Romania and India. The most important items on the bilateral political agenda were highlighted, with emphasis on boosting the high-level political dialogue and an exchange of governmental and parliamentary visits. 

MAE also says both sides highlighted the priorities attached to enlarging bilateral economic cooperation in terms of investment and trade. 

The special importance of the Romanian-Indian Joint Governmental Commission on Economic, Technical and Scientific Cooperation, scheduled to convene in 2017, was underscored along with the need for direct contacts between the business communities of the two countries being intensified via chambers of commerce or trade missions to both countries, according to MAE. 

The two officials also discussed advancing cooperating in the areas of education and culture, including by consolidating the legal framework for that. 

The meeting also provided an opportunity for an exchange of opinions on current Asia-Pacific affairs and the world agenda.
