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Royal Charity Concert - on October 25, on the stage of the Romanian Athenaeum

The Royal Charity Concert with the participation of tenor Ioan Hotea and mezzosoprano Martiniana Antonie together with the Romanian Youth Orchestra, with Gabriel Bebeselea as conductor will take place on 25th October at the Romanian Atheneum.

The musical programme of the concert, now in its 14th edition organised by the Royal Margaret of Romania Foundation, is composed of opera and operetta works, arias and duets by Gioacchino Rossini, Georges Bizet, Charles Gounod and Richard Strauss.


 ‘Due to the support offered to a noble cause, the Foundation proposes to finance every year a number of 30 grants, offered through the Young Talents programme. Through these grants, young musicians or visual artists receive the material support to cover their expenses connected to the development of their artistic gift and access to vital opportunities for their career, as well as master classes, mentorship sessions with personalities of the artistic world and participation to important artistic events’ informed the Royal Margaret of Romania Foundation in a press release sent on Monday.

The Royal Concert traditionally takes place on 25 October - the birthday of King Michael I of Romania, founder of the Foundation together with Her Majesty Margareta, Custodian of the Romanian Crown.


Over the years, the funds raised from sponsorships and donations to the Royal Charity Concert have exceeded 1,800,000 euros.


To date, 410 scholarships have been awarded to talented young people from low-income backgrounds, and with the support of mentors and sustained promotion they have achieved outstanding achievements both nationally and internationally.


The Young Talents Programme has been recognised four times as the best arts and culture programme in Romania, winning in 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2022 at the Civil Society Gala.
