Study: four out of ten Romanians are dissatisfied with the quality of the services offered by the companies of Romania
43.5% of the Romanians consider themselves as dissatisfied with the quality of the services offered by the companies of Romania and their experience in their interaction with them,according to a study made by UPI Your Service.
Another42.8% of the Romanians consider they had in general a good experience in their relation with the suppliers of products and services with which they interacted, and 11.1% state they were very satisfied with the quality of the services,but only 2.6% of the interviewees say they benefitted form an exceptional experience in their relation with the companies of Romania.
66.3% of the Romanians say that when the interaction with a company and the quality of their services are under expectation will choose to buy similar products from another company with better quality of services and 61% tell their families and friends about the negative experience.
In the last year, 42% of the interviewees say that they happened to acquire products or services from a company and to give up due to the bad quality of the services and 39% stated they take into consideration the change of the supplier immediately after the first negative experience. Moreover,45% say that in such a situation,they complain at the level of the company or even to the respective authorities (27%).
In exchange, only three out of ten Romanians tell to those around them about the exceptional experiences which they have in relation to a company, and 39% do this frequently.
One of two Romanians consider that their positive experience in relation with a company is influenced by the attitude of the employees they interact with. To offer exceptiona services to their clients, a company must have employees who show care and respect in their relation with the customers, factor which is considered the most important by 57.2% of the Romanians who took part in the study UP! Your Service.
At the same time, the company has to present clear and transparent information about their products and services which they offer (44.6%) to answer quickly to questions and complaints (39.8%) and prove honesty, assuming responsibility when problems appear in their interaction with the customers (35.7%).
Similarly, for 30% of the interviewees, the easy experience of acquiring products and services of the company is as important as something else.
A quarter of the Romanians say that fewer than one in ten companies offer an exceptional experience to their customers.
The lack of interest of thecompanies for the satisfaction of their customers is the main reason which prevent the companies from offering the ideal experience consider 59% of the interviewees followed by issues connected to the personnel.
Thus,30.8% of the Romanians consider that among the reasons for which the companies do not offer quality services are the difficulties to recruit and motivate competent employees, the lack of rigorous instruction of the existing employees (45.3%) and the lack of employees (24.2%).
The study UP! Your Service Romania was made between March –April on a sample of 1,923 interviewees in the whole country.