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ANMR will bid 5,000 square km in the Black Sea by the end of the year

The National Agency for Mineral Resources (ANMR) will start partitioning 5,000 square km in the Black Sea in lots of 1,000 km and by the end of the year there will be a bid for their concession, the ANMR chairman said, Gelu Maracineanu. ANMR did not start the partition of the non-concessioned area according to the chairman of the institution.
Maracineanu mentioned the fact that those 5,000 square km represent a part of the territory acquired by Romania in The Hague and the rest belongs to Petrom and Sterling Resources but they had no right of execution as the oil lots were under international trial. The ANMR chairman said that, for the first quarter of next year they will know what resources of hydro carbonates we have in the 5,000 square km.
The International Court of Justice in the Hague decided in February that the dispute Romanian-Ukrainin connected to delimitation of the continental plateau around the Snakes’ Island, offering Romania almost 80% of the disputed area.
Romania obtained the sovereign jurisdiction and the sovereign rights, especially those of exploitation for a surface of continental plateau and the economic area of 9,700 square km. In this area it is estimated that approximately 70 billion cubic metres of gas and 12 million tons of oil, according to Bogdan Aurescu, who was Romania’s agent to the International Court of Justice.
