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The deputies in Kishinev could not elect the president of the Republic of Moldova

The deputies in the Kishinev parliament could not, on Wednesday elect the president of the Republic of Moldova, after the deputies of the opposition left the hall, coming back after the finalization of the polling process, Unimedia informs. Ex-premier Zinaida Greceanii got 60 votes, while the university professor Stanislav Groppa had no vote. The elections will be resumed on May 28th. Vladimir Voronin, chairman of the parliament stated “ taking into consideration that no candidate could get three fifth of the votes, there will be other elections”. For the election of the head there are necessary 61 votes.

In the room there were present 98 deputies, but, later, the members of the parties in opposition left the hall, coming back only after the finalization of the polling procedure. The party of the communists have 60 mandates, and the opposition parliamentary parties – PL, PLDM and AMN – 41 mandates together. To elect the president, PCRM lacks one vote, the so-called “ golden vote”, Unimedia informs. In the case where, after two trials, the deputies will not be able to choose the replacement for Vladimir Voronin, the parliament will dissolve and early elections will be organized.
