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Romgaz could exploit the Black Sea alone

The Romgaz is ready to exploit the Black Sea, without Sterling Resources the state secretary in the ministry of economy Tudor Serban stated. According to him, the judicial situation with the agreement with Sterling must be cleared out. « Romgaz is ready to enter and exploit alone the continental plateau in the Black Sea, the situation with Sterling must be settled. There is control and there will be a report” Tudor Serban said. The representatives Sterling Resources stated recently they agree to associate with the gas producer Romgaz if they are interested. « For the future, if Romgaz is interested we are happy to discuss about partnership, as they are the second gas producer in Romania” vice-chairman Sterling Stephen Birrell said. He considers that all allegations brought by the Romanian authorities are false.
Sterling Resources was accused it did not prove the technical and financial necessary capacities to function. Birrell said that Sterling could not have started oil operations if they did not have these capacities, which were checked by the National Agency for Mineral Resources.
