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ArcelorMittal Hunedoara halts production for ten days

ArcelorMittal Hunedoara (west) steel producer halted on Wednesday its production for a ten-day period, the company employees going to take, by rotation, their summer vacation and technical unemployment. 'We concluded the production programme for this month. We estimate that production could be re-started at the beginning of June', announced manager of ArcelorMittal Hunedoara Remus Patan. This period will be used to carry out repair and maintenance works, according to the plans, and part of the plant's workers are to be involved in those.

In his turn, prime vice-president of the 'Steel worker' trade union at ArcelorMittal Hunedoara Dorin Redinciuc said that during the production stoppage period the plant's staff will take by rotation five days of vacation each, followed by a technical unemployment period, the last one going to be paid with 75 percent of the respective wage, to which the seniority benefit will be added.This year, the production of steel and rolled products at Hunedoara-based plant was stopped several times because of the lack of orders on the backdrop of the world economic downturn, Agerpres reports.
