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Average number of pensioners drops by 7,000 persons in Q3

- the average number of pensioners was 5125 thousands persons, descreasing with 7 thousands persons as against of the previous quarter; average number of state social insurance pensioners was 4675 thousands persons, descreasing with one thousand persons as against of the previous quarter;

- the average monthly pension (is determined based on all amounts of pensions for all categories of pensioners –social insurance, invalidity, survivors etc.- paid by Pensions Houses1 ) was 1505 lei, increasing with 4.8% as against the previous quarter;

- the average state monthly social insurance pension was 1454 lei, and the ratio between the average nominal net pension of state social insurance for old age with full contribution stage (without tax and without health insurance contribution) and the average net earnings was 51.9% (as compared to 51.0% in the previous quarter);

- the real pension index as against of the previous quarter, calculated as the ratio between the nominal pension index (for calculation of real pension) and the consumer prices index, was 104.6%


The average number of pensioners was 5.125 million persons in the third quarter of 2020, decreasing by 7,000 persons over the previous quarter, and the average number of pensioners from social state insurance has reached 4.675 million persons, according to data of the National Institute for Statistics (INS) sent on Friday.

The average monthly pension (determined taking into account the sums for pensions in all categories of pensions - social insurance, invalidity, descendants' pension, etc. - paid by pension houses) was 1,505 RON, increasing by 4.8 pct over the previous quarter.

The average social state insurance pension was 1,454 RON, and the ratio between the average nominal net average state insurance pension for age limit with a full contribution (without tax and the social health insurance contribution) and the net average wage was of 51.9 pct (compared to 51.0 pct in the previous quarter).

The INS data shows that social insurance pensioners hold the highest share of the total number of pensioners - 99.98 pct.

The state social insurance pensioners represent 91.2 pct in the total of social insurance. In pension categories, the number of pensioners for age limit ranked highest (78.6 pct) among social insurance pensioners. The pensioners in the categories of anticipated or partially-anticipated pension represented 2.1 pct.

The ratio between the average age of social state insurance pensioners and employees was 9 to 10.

The total number of beneficiaries of the provisions of Emergency Ordinance no. 6/2009 regarding the institution of the minimum guaranteed social pension (presently - social indemnity), in the third quarter of 2020, was of 953,100 persons, of which: 799,000 persons in the state social insurance system, representing 17.1 pct of the pensioners in this category; 150,300 persons coming from pensioners in the former system for agricultural workers, representing 57.6 pct of them; 3,800 persons in the military system, representing 2.1 pct of that category.

