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Cartel Alfa: Romania in top of EU countries for employees under poverty threshold

Romania is in the top of EU countries in point of the number of employees who are below the poverty threshold, that is 20% of employed human resource, said Bogdan Hossu, the president of CNS Cartel Alfa, major union confederation.

Bogdan Hossu made these statements at the event devoted to the publication of the study “Quantity and Quality Analysis of Labour Market in Romania”, ordered by Concordia Patrons”Confederation and made by KPMG and INCE.

They criticized the existence of a difference of about 1,000 lei between the net average salary paid by the state budget and the private one.

“The fact that they say the average salary will double in 4-5 years ia partly true, partly false if it is not interpreted through the correct point of view. Let's not forget that from 2017 to 2018 we also had a spectacular increase through the transfer of taxes which distorted responsibilities, partnership and the respective construction, which meant about 23%. Talking about salaries, the average is influenced by the two large, unequal groups, between the economic and budget sectors. The budget sector has had a substantial increase since 2017, which led to major unbalances. Today we have a difference of 1,000 lei  between net average budget salary and the average salary in the economic sector, which is not normal. Obviously that creates unbalances in the labour market and sets up unwanted tendencies in the behaviour of human resources,” said the leader of Cartel Alfa.
