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Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Olaf Scholz, starts today his official visit to Romania

President Klaus Iohannis will receive, on Monday, April 3, at the Cotroceni Palace, the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Olaf Scholz, on the occasion of his official visit to Romania.

Also, the head of state will host a trilateral meeting in which he will participate together with the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, and Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

According to the Presidential Administration, the visit of the German Chancellor represents a moment of reconfirmation of the excellent bilateral relations, of a strategic nature, between Romania and the Federal Republic of Germany, which are based on a traditional friendship, extensive historical and interpersonal relations, as well as on the common interest in what concerns European security in the current difficult context generated by Russia's aggression against Ukraine.

"The discussions of President Klaus Iohannis with Chancellor Olaf Scholz will focus on the further development and deepening of Romanian-German cooperation in all areas of common interest. The interest of both parties in boosting economic exchanges and investments will be emphasized, considering the fact that Germany is the most important commercial partner of our country and the second investor in the Romanian economy, but also in sectoral cooperation. At the same time, close coordination within the EU and NATO will be pursued," the quoted source says.

In terms of European affairs, the two leaders will have an exchange of views on topical issues, with special attention given to the process of Romania's accession to the Schengen area, measures to support Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, ensuring the competitiveness of the European economy, energy security, changes climate and the green transition.

President Klaus Iohannis and Chancellor Olaf Scholz will also discuss the security situation generated by the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, in the light of recent developments, cooperation for multidimensional support of Ukraine, helping refugees, facilitating the transit of Ukrainian grain to the global market, as well as supporting the European path of this country. Romanian-German cooperation in the field of defense will also be addressed in order to strengthen the deterrence position on the Eastern Flank of the North Atlantic Alliance and to strengthen the security of the Black Sea region.

The two officials will highlight the important role played by the Romanian community in Germany and the German minority in our country, with a major contribution to the rapprochement and mutual knowledge of the two nations.

The Presidential Administration shows that the trilateral meeting that will be hosted by President Klaus Iohannis aims to consolidate support in all areas to ensure the resilience, stability and security of the Republic of Moldova and to support this country's European path.

"The discussions will convey a clear message regarding the continuation of firm and unwavering support from Chisinau's partners, especially in the conditions in which the Republic of Moldova is subject to systematic hybrid pressures, including attempts to undermine the constitutional order," the cited source states.

During the meeting, the support for the advancement of the European integration of the Republic of Moldova, the only option capable of ensuring a democratic, prosperous and stable future for its citizens, will be discussed, informs the Presidential Administration.




Monday, April 3, 2023