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ForMin Popsoi: Romania, main ally and first advocate of Republic of Moldova in European integration process


Romania is the main ally and the first advocate of the Republic of Moldova when it comes to the European integration process, declared on Friday the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, Mihai Popsoi, at the end of a meeting with the head of Romanian diplomacy, Luminita Odobescu.

"We are always supported and, despite the difficulties that the Republic of Moldova is going through, having such a close partner as Romania, this gives us confidence. (...) Our collaboration is as dynamic as it is effective on all levels and we are happy including the announcement made yesterday by the Romanian Prime Minister - that new package of support for the Republic of Moldova that the citizen on the other side of the Prut River needs so much, considering the complicated moments we are all going through as a result of the barbaric aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine," said Mihai Popsoi.

He emphasized that it is a question of generous support from Romania, either in terms of social or energy, whether it is about projects in the field of water supply or the construction of bridges that connect the two banks of the Prut.

Recalling the very close collaboration in the economic field, Romania being the main commercial partner of the Republic of Moldova, among the first investors, Popsoi states that Moldova wants to consolidate this collaboration. According to him, "Romania's support in interconnection, in the construction of those high voltage lines to connect the Republic of Moldova to the Romanian, therefore European energy market, contributed to breaking the Republic of Moldova from this dependence it had for decades on the Russian Federation".

Remarkable progress was also mentioned in the field of cross-border cooperation, with reference to infrastructure projects, as well as in the fields of tourism and culture.

Minister Popsoi mentioned that, in the future, he counts "on the continuous support for the Republic of Moldova", including in the context of the Support Platform for the Republic of Moldova, "because this aid was as crucial as possible, which helped us to overcome those enormous crises through which the Russian Federation tried to bring us to our knees. But thanks to the generous support we received, we overcame these complicated moments and can now move forward towards our legitimate desire to be part of the great European family".

