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Russian diplomat declared persona non grata in Romania


 A diplomat from the Russian Federation's Embassy in Bucharest was declared persona non grata in Romania on Friday, the Foreign Affairs Ministry informs, explaining that the reason for this decision of the Romanian authorities are the said diplomat's activities, which were in breach of the provisions of the 1961 Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations.

"These aspects were communicated to the Russian side today, May 24, 2024, as the Chargé d'Affaires of the Russian Federation in Bucharest was summoned to the headquarters of the Foreign Ministry, at the request of Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu," states the cited source.

The day before, a Romanian citizen was put in pre-trial arrest on charges of treason, after he sent to the Russian Embassy in Bucharest images of Romanian or NATO military targets located near the eastern city of Tulcea, as well as images of a military convoy en route to Ukraine.

"The evidence collected in the case proves that, starting in 2022, the suspect proceeded to the surveillance of certain Romanian or NATO military sites located in the vicinity of Tulcea, collecting military intelligence and taking photographs of military combat equipment and the movement of personnel in the border area with Ukraine, which he relayed to diplomats of the Russian Federation's Embassy in Bucharest. The home searches performed uncovered multiple evidence which was duly seized by law enforcement," the Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism announced in a release. 


Accusations against a Russian embassy employee, who has been declared persona non grata in Romania, are "absolutely groundless," Yelena Kopnina, Russia's charge d'affaires and minister counselor in the country, told a TASS correspondent.

"All accusations against our employee are absolutely groundless," she said. "In accordance with international norms, the Russian side reserves the right to give an appropriate response," the diplomat pointed out.

"Neither the embassy nor any of its employees received any photos or materials," the Russian charge d'affaires said, commenting on this report.

