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  • The total monthly average income was, in nominal terms, 3426 lei per household and 1308 lei per person in Q III 2017.

  • In Q III 2017, the total monthly average expenditure of the population was 2885 lei per household (1101 lei per person), accounting for 84.2% of the total income.

The average income of the population accounted for 3,426 lei per household in Q3 2017, with total average expenditures accounting for 2,885 lei, showed data released by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) on Wednesday. 

Thus, at household level, the total average monthly income accounted for 1,308 lei per capita, with the total average expenditures per person standing at 1,101 lei per capita.

In general, in Q3 2017, the total average monthly income in Romania accounted for 3,426 lei per household, in nominal terms, with the total expenditures of the population accounting for 2,885 lei per month, per household, as an average (1,1001 lei per head) and represented 84.2 per cent of the total incomes.

The INS data show that total incomes represented money earnings, accounting for 3,160 lei per month per household, as an average (1,206 lei per head), with incomes in nature accounting for 267 lei monthly per household (102 lei per head).

Moreover, the salaries and the other related incomes represented the most important source of income (62.5 per cent of the total income of households), while contributing to the total income of households were also incomes from social benefits (21.6 per cent), agriculture (3.2 per cent), independent non-agricultural activities (2.3 per cent), property and sale of assets from the household patrimony (21.6 per cent), as well as incomes in kind (7.8 per cent), mainly, which is the counter-value of consumption of agro-food products from own sources (6.5%).

The place of residence influences the differences in levels and, especially, of structure, between urban and rural areas, shows the statistics.

In terms of total expenditures, households spent the most money on food, non-food goods, services and transfers to public and private administration and to social security budgets, in the form of taxes, contributions, and coverage of such needs related to the production of households (feeding animals and poultry, payment of work for household production, sowing products, veterinary services etc.).
In addition, the total expenditure segment includes spending on on investments - intended for the purchase or construction of dwellings, the purchase of land and equipment needed for the production of the household, the purchase of shares etc. They hold a small share in total household expenditures (only 0.7%).

According to the Classification of Individual Consumption According to Purpose (COICOP), food and non-alcoholic beverages accounted for 33.1% of household consumption in Q 3 2017, on average, according to INS.
