The minister of agriculture: there are many food stocks
The food stocks are very large, especially with Romanian producers and there are enough lambs for Easter stated on Monday for Digi 24 the minister of agriculture and rural development Adrian Oros . ‘There are many stocks, especially with Romanian producers. I don’t know exactly what is the situation with the shops, but the Romanian producers have stocks of vegetables, dairy products and milk, beef, eggs, poultry and, surely, there are sufficient lambs for Easter. This year we have applied another waiver supplementary to those we offered every time during Easter and we allowed the authorization of temporary slaughter areas at the level of the farms, in the presence of a vet who could check before and after mortem the carcass.Who wants can go to the nearest farm, where the farmer wants to do it and buy lamb for Easter from the nearest place’ the minister said.
Asked how he sees the situation in the markets where over the last days there was a growing flow of buyers, the minister said that the Markets Administration has the duty to organize these selling points. ‘ There is a Market administration in the markets and there are procedures and measures to be taken as in other areas where commerce happens. People have to enter the areas in a certain density, to wear gloves, masks, to keep a certain social distance and make civilized commerce in the open air market as well as in any other small or corner shop’Oros said.