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Unemployment rate up 2.91 pct in June

The unemployment rate recorded at national level was 2.91% at the end of June 2023, higher than the previous month by 0.03 percentage points, informs the National Employment Agency (ANOFM).

The total number of unemployed at the end of June 2023 was 228,158 people, 2,216 more than at the end of the previous month.

By area of residence, the number of unemployed at the end of June was as follows: 65,820 unemployed were from urban areas and 162,338 unemployed were from rural areas.

The number of unemployed women on 30 June 2023 was 109,804, while the number of unemployed men was 118,354.

Most unemployed people were aged 40-49 (55,898), followed by those aged over 55 (47,355), at the opposite end being people aged 25-29 (15,532).

By education level, the unemployed without formal education and those with primary education have a significant share in the total number of unemployed registered in ANOFM records (29.67%). Unemployed people with a secondary education level account for 33.42% of the total number of registered unemployed, and those with university education, 4.89%.
