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US Senate passes Black Sea security bill

The US Senate passed on Thursday  the law regarding the authorization of the National Defense of the US (National Defense Authorisation Act/NDAA), according to a press release of the Romanian Embassy in the US.


In the NDAA, there was the draft law Black Sea Security Act passed as well, through an amendment introduced by senators Jeanne Shaheen and Mitt Romney. (details: https://www.romney.senate.gov/).


 "With this action, the U.S. Senate confirms the Black Sea's status as a region of critical geostrategic importance and ushers in a new era of U.S. engagement in the region. The U.S. Senate is also expressing, for the first time, by approving this bill, strong support for a comprehensive U.S. engagement in the Black Sea region, together with allies and partners, in strategic areas such as security and defense, economy, energy and democratic resilience", said Andrei Muraru, Romania's Ambassador to the United States.


Romania constantly supported the strengthening of the American support in the Black Sea, as there is need for security against the Russian threat.


The draft law regarding the budget of the US passed by the Senate is going to be mediated, during the month of September with the version of the bill already passed in the House of Representatives.


A similar Black Sea Security Act bill is also in the legislative process in the House of Representatives, which offers the prospect that its text will also be included during the mediation process in the final version of the NDAA to be sent to the US President for enactment.
