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Agriculture : The minister of agriculture ‘ Romania is a tenth rate market where expired products are brought’

 ‘Romania is a tenth rate market where expired products are brought from abroad’ said the minister of agriculture Achim Irimescu in an interview with Ziarul Financiar.

‘This is a market where importers bring products at the end of the validity period or even expired. In Romania the salami is washed with vinegar; the brine is changed and the cheese is good for sale.The state doesn’t do what it should, ANPC does not do what they should. Others control what comes from Romania, why don’t we control what we get?’ minister Irimescu says, in an interview for ZF.

Irimescu became minister as a result of the protests in the street when the technocrat government was elected and he knows what is happening in Romania.

In Brussels, where he comes from, he occupied the position of head of the agriculture department in the Permanent office of Romania to the EU.He was state secretary in the ministry of agriculture (2012 – 2014) advisor of the minister of agriculture between 1900 and 1998.A man who knows what he says when he states that imports are of poor quality as Romania is considered ‘ a market of tenth rate’.
