Study: The cheapest store chains in Romania
The cheapest store chains in Romania are Kaufland, Carrefour and Auchan, according to the annual study Nielsen Shopper Trends 2012-2013. Kaufland continues to be seen as the store with the lowest prices. The classification is completed by Carrefour, Auchan and Lidl.
Kaufland had 81 stores in Romania last year, while Carrefour holds 112 stores (of which 24 hypermarkets), Auchan has 10 and Lidl 37 stores.
13 new hypermarkets, 162 supermarkets and 40 discount type stores opened in Romania last year.
According to the study, buyers who bought last year households goods from modern retail shops and who considered the food prices had grown seem to be more careful when they spend their budget, two thirds of the people interviewed mentioning they bought only goods they strictly needed.
More of a third of buyers (40%) go shopping weekly (for food, groceries, personal care goods). Moreover compared to 2011, 20% of respondents go shopping daily.
Romanians choose to go shopping to two favorite stores, while the average in Bulgaria is 3.5 stores, Hungary 3.4 and Poland 3.3.
The biggest share in modern retail is held by hypermarkets (preferred by 62% of respondents), followed by supermarkets (20%) and discount stores (11%).
In 2012 promotions represented an attraction for buyers, 34% of respondents mentioning they used to change stores according to promotions they had.
The Shopper Trends study was made over October – November 2012, through face to face interviews with the main household buyers, aged between 18 and 65. The results come from a sample of 1200 people.