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Discovery of the biggest silver hoard ever found on Romanian territory

Romania's National Museum of History (MNIR) has announced the discovery and recovery of the biggest silver hoard ever found on the Romanian territory. It is about a large number of silver coins called 'aspru', a currency that was issued by the Ottoman Empire in the first half of the 15th century.

The hoard was discovered by chance around September 1 nearby Ramnic Valcea (town in central Romania) and weights 54.7 kilograms, informs the MNIR in a release to Agerpres.

The person who made the discovery on Monday morning (September 2) announced the MNIR to send a team of specialists to see the spot of the discovery and take over the hoard.

This is the largest hoard ever discovered on the Romanian territory and it already became part of a public collection at the museum. The museum will also take care of the identification, analysis of the numismatic coins, as well as their inventory.

The 'aspru' is a Turkish silver coins that circulated in the Romanian Countries beginning with the 15th century and until the beginning of the 19th century.
