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Iohannis: I intend to discuss with the government about the absorption of European funds

President Klaus Iohannis stated on Saturday in Rome that he intended to discuss with the government about the absorption of European funds by our country.

‘There comes the moment when the next budget is negotiated and the absorption which we have now will not allow us to be in pole position, as they say, namely we will have a bad hand. I intend to discuss these matters with the government next week. I did not want to hurry, as the government in the beginning had other things to do,you remember ordnance 13 and so on. Later, they started to work and I intend to invite the prime-minister and who else he considers appropriate to bring for a discussion about the absorption of the European funds. I think that, if we want to be important in 2019, when we have the presidency of the Union Council, we really need to do our homework well’ said the head of state when answering some questions regarding the EU Council and the level of absorption of European funds by Romania.

President Klaus Iohannis announced on Saturday in Rome that he will invite the politicians of Romania to discussions about the future of Europe

‘When we have finished this festivity in Rome I will invite and provoke the politicians at home to discussions in multiple forms to see what the political world at home thinks about the future of Europe. I really intend to do this. If it happens in Snagov or in Bucharest or anywhere else, we will see. But yes, I intend to take part in the different meetings and encourage discussion formats to have a positive energy in starting this endeavour. It is clear that we have a positive role’ Iohannis answered, when asked by the journalists in a press conference if he considered gathering the political leaders of our country to a new reunion Snagov-type.
