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Meeting Traian Basescu – government – PDL in Snagov on Sunday

The democrat-liberal deputies met on Wednesday with premier Emil Boc and required concrete measures to restructure and reshuffling the government. Vicechairman PDL Ioan Oltean communicated to the premier that, in the case these measures are not taken, the deputies will not support him. Thus, both senators and deputies put pressure on the premier to restructure and reshuffle the government. To solve the problem, MPs will meet on Sunday in Snagov with ministers of the Boc government, with leaders in the territory and president Traian Basescu.

The meeting on Sunday takes place in the context of the discussions about a possible governmental reshuffling and is programmed for 7 o’clock and the president was invited to take part in. The head of state did not confirm if he would be present at the reunion. According to the quoted sources, the government must present in Snagov to the leaders of territorial branches and PDL MPs, a governing coherent programme, the evaluation of all ministers and secretaries of state as well as projects connected to personnel lay-offs in the public sector.

Over the last two weeks several PDL MPs required a reshuffling of the Boc government. After the motion failed, both senators and deputies resumed public statements thru which they require alterations in the government. The reunion in Snagov comes two weeks after the head of state met with PDL MPs before the motion. Traian Basescu promised the MPs that after the motion they meet and analyse the problems and worries from inside PDL.

The tone of the discussion was tough, the president accusing some ministers they lied to the premier: “ While the premier was talking about austerity measures some ministers hired in their cabinets or stated there was no need for personnel reductions in their yard”. Traian Basescu required the government that, after responsibility assumption to “ reduce all ministerial positions and agencies which were created for their political clientele”.
