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PM Ponta chaired the round table organised by AMRO

Prime Minister Victor Ponta on Wednesday afternoon in Washington chaired the round table organised by the American-Romanian Business Council (AMRO). According to a Government release, the event gathered important companies within AMRO, such as ADM, Allied TechSystems, Amgen, Boeing, Cargill, Chevron, Coca-Cola, Ellicott, ExxonMobile, General Electric, Lindsay, Mega, MetLife, MoneyGram, Pike Energy, Raytheon, Smithfield, Timken, and was hosted by Eric Stewart, AMRO president. 

"The US companies that are already present in our country presented the Prime Minister and the other participants various aspects of their activity and asked for the Government's support, where necessary. In their turn, those companies which are undergoing an assessment process of future investments in Central and South-Eastern Europe were interested in knowing the recent economic evolutions in our country and the stage of the official bilateral relations," the cited source also informs. 

In context, the participants voiced "a special interest" in regards with the meeting between Prime Minister Victor Ponta and US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker. 

The Government announces at the same time that the AMRO members will participate in May this year in the economic mission conducted by the US Department of Commerce in Romania. 

