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President Iohannis: The crises affecting the European Union can be addressed effectively only through collaboration

The challenges the European Union is currently confronted with need a common, coordinated and comprehensive response, which also considers the details specific to each member state, President Klaus Iohannis says in a message to the 'Disintegration and Integration in Central-Eastern Europe. Borders, Identities, Communities: The Road to Reconciliation and Partnership in Central and Eastern Europe' conference in Berlin."In a period where extremism, racism, radicalism have surfaced again, we must work together to boost the public confidence in the European institutions and policies, to strengthen the institutions, the practices and the democratic values and fight against Euro-skepticism. We can overcome these difficulties through more unity, solidarity and a tighter partnership," the head of state asserted.

According to Iohannis, "the European Union is crossing a critical period, as it is confronted with a series of crises and challenges affecting the very foundation of the European project. From this point of view, there is no separation between Central and Eastern Europe and the rest of Europe. We are all subject to the same kinds of pressures that are questioning not only the soundness of the European Union, but also our capacity to react and adapt. The most pessimistic scenarios referring to the future of the European Union consider a possible unraveling of this project. To us, such a scenario is unacceptable," the President stressed in his message presented by state councilor Iulia Huiu.

The crises affecting the European Union can be addressed effectively only through collaboration, the message mentioned.

"There is no other alternative for Romania but to be member of a strong European Union, and I trust that our opinion is shared by the other states of the Central and Eastern Europe. Romania and its citizens have made the strong decision to be part of the European family and have always supported, with great confidence, the European project. The European integration was one of the most important national objectives in our post-communist history and we are directly interested in the success of this project, that generates prosperity and development. I believe that we should support the European project. The unfavourable moments and circumstances should not weaken our trust in the long-term benefits offered by the EU membership," said president Iohannis. 



Friday, April 15, 2016