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Romania lifts visas for citizens of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia

The citizens of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, owners of biometric passports, are exempted from the short-stay visa for entering and stay on Romania's territory, starting with December 19, the Romanian Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) informs. This rule doesn't apply to the owners of passports released by the Serbian Coordination Department (in Serbian: Koordinaciona uprava), MAE specifies.

The citizens who have not biometric passports will ask further for a visa in order to enter Romania's territory.On December 18 the alteration of the EC Regulation no. 5392001 on setting the list of the third countries whose residents should have visa to pass the external borders and the list of the third countries whose residents are exonerated from this obligation was published in the Official Gazette of the European Union.The Regulation is compulsory in all of its elements and applies directly in all the EU Member States, according to the Treaty of setting up of the European Community.
