September 23, 24:00hrs is the deadline for the submission of presidential bids
September 23, 24:00hrs is the time by which political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances, organisations of national minorities as well as non-affiliated candidates may submit bids for registration with the Central Elector Bureau (BEC) for this November's presidential election.
Under the legislation in force, nominations to the highest public office will be made in writing and accepted by BEC only when signed by the leadership of the party or political alliance that puts forth the candidate, as appropriate, or by the non-affiliated candidate.
The bids comprise the name and surname, date and place of birth, marital status, education attainment, trade and profession of the candidate and the mention that he or she meets the legal requirements to run in the elections, which means he or she has the Romanian citizenship, a domicile in Romania, is enfranchised, is at least 35 years old, did not already hold the office twice. They accompany the written acceptance declaration signed and dated by the candidate, a wealth declaration, a declaration of interest, a bona-fide declaration that he or she was not an officer or collaborator of the Securitate late political police. Also accompanying the documents will be the list(s) of support signatures, which cannot be fewer than 200,000.
The nomination for candidacy comprising the electoral logo under which the electoral competitor runs will be lodged with BEC and registered there, in four copies, including the original copy. The original and a copy thereof will be kept with BEC, one copy will be forwarded to the Constitutional Court, while the fourth copy, certified by the BCE chair, will be handed back to the applicant.
The presidential election law mentions that membership of a political party, organisation of national minorities, of one of the members of the political alliance or electoral alliance making the nomination is not a requirement for running.
Campaigning for the first round of the presidential election starts on October 3 and ends on November 1 at 07:00hrs, EEST. The first round is scheduled for November 2, while the runoff will be held on November 16.
The first to submit his presidential bid was national leader of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Victor Ponta, the endorsee of the electoral alliance of PSD, the National Union for Romania's Progress (UNPR) and the Conservative Party (PC).
Among those having announced an interest in running for the office of Romania's President are Klaus Iohannis, the endorsee of the Christian Liberal Alliance (ACL); Elena Udrea of the People's Movement Party (PMP); Calin Popescu-Tariceanu of the Reformist Liberal Party (PRL); Monica Macovei (non-affiliated); Dan Diaconescu of the Dan Diaconescu - People's Party (PP-DD); William Branza of the Romanian Ecologist Party (PER), and non-affiliated Ioan Ghise.