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Iohannis:Gov't, coalition need to continue negotiating with unions, gov't rotation unlikely with ongoing negotiations


 Speaking on Thursday in Sibiu, President Klaus Iohannis declared that the government and the ruling coalition must continue negotiations with the education unions, remarking also that he doesn't believe that the government rotation can be done during such negotiations.

"Normally, the procedure should start tomorrow, provided that the education strike comes to an end. We'll see. (...) Then, it is necessary for the government and the coalition, in general, to continue negotiating with the unions until a solution is found. (...) I don't think that the government rotation will happen as negotiations are ongoing. It's quite complicated. Both are complicated procedures. Yet, they can be taken one at a time," said the head of the state.

Asked if he thinks that the Hungarian Democratic Union of Romania should remain at rule or if he supports a PNL-PSD government, Iohannis replied: "I am not going to oppose any formula that leads to a stable government. Discussions are still taking place, negotiations are still under way. The coalition must decide what it wants the future government to look like and who should be in the ruling coalition, but I trust that things will work out. Today is Thursday, and the strike is not yet over, we'll see if we can start the procedure tomorrow or in a few days, but this is not important, if the rotation happens right now or in a week or two. What really matters is that we have a clear procedure, to know how the coalition will work, and to have a government that guarantees political stability and the stability of Romania. These are the things I consider to be top important and I have conveyed this to the coalition leadership too."


În turn,  Executive spokesperson Dan Carbunaru stated that Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca shall announce on Friday his decision on submitting the mandate.

He was asked on Thursday evening whether prime minister Ciuca will submit his mandate on Friday or the Government rotation is to be postponed.

"I am the spokesperson of the Government. Certainly, your question is aimed at Romania's prime minister, but it has a political connotation which I cannot comment upon. But the prime minister's decision on what happens tomorrow [Friday], you will certainly find it out tomorrow," Carbunaru mentioned in a press conference at the Victoria Palace.

Also on Thursday, the prime minister stated, during a visit to Cluj-Napoca, about a possible postponement of the government rotation in the context of the strike in Education, that a decision shall be made after he arrives in Bucharest and talks with partners in the coalition.

"I will arrive in Bucharest, discuss with the coalition partners and we will make a decision," Ciuca responded, when asked if the procedures for the government rotation will be postponed, as President Klaus Iohannis said he does not think it can be done during the negotiations with the unions in Education.


Education unions demanded a 25 percent pay rise and a regulatory act guaranteeing that a beginner's pay shall be the equivalent to the national average gross salary, president of the "Spiru Haret" Education Unions Federation Marius Nistor announced on Thursday.

"Today we presented the government our resolute position: a 25 percent pay rise. They are free to do all the necessary calculations and, of course, to produce the regulatory act guaranteeing that the salary of a beginner shall the equivalent of the national average gross salary and will be taken into account in the future single pay law. We have presented our position. They are now to look into the matter and come up with an answer," Nistor said at the end of a new round of dialogue initiated by the government.

The trade unionists reiterated that the general strike in education will continue.

