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National Theatre of Belgrade, Budapest Opera, among Bucharest Opera Festival guests

 The second edition of the Bucharest Opera Festival, which will take place from June 16 to 24 on the stage of the Bucharest National Opera, offers the public nine different performances, including among the guests the Brasov Opera, the Hungarian State Opera of Budapest and the National Theatre of Belgrade.

According to a Bucharest National Opera (ONB) press release sent on Thursday, on Saturday, June 17, the National Theatre of Belgrade will present the performance "Manon Lescaut" by G. Puccini, co-produced with Opera Madlenianum, under the baton of Italian maestro Stefano Romani, directed by Pier Francesco Maestrini.

On Friday, June 23, the Hungarian State Opera of Budapest presents the performance "Pelleas and Melisande" by C. Debussy, which returned to the repertoire of the Hungarian cultural institution in 2022 after an absence of half a century.

In addition to the two productions, the festival programme includes:

* "The Marriage of Figaro" by W.A. Mozart, conducted by Ethan Schmeisser (Bucharest National Opera) - June 16

* "Bluebeard's Castle" and "The Miraculous Mandarin" by B. Bartok (Hungarian Opera of Cluj Napoca) - June 18

* "The Pearl Fishers" by G. Bizet (National Theatre of Opera and Ballet "Oleg Danovski" Constanta) - June 19

* "Ball at the Savoy" by P. Abraham (Timisoara Romanian National Opera) - June 20

* "Cosi fan tutte" by W.A. Mozart (Brasov Opera) - June 21

* "The Merry Widow 2.0" by F. Lehar (Romanian National Opera of Iasi) - June 22

* "Kiss me Kate" by C. Porter (Ion Dacian Bucharest National Operete and Musical Theatre) - June 24

All performances will start at 19:00.

Tickets can be bought online at http://tickets.operanb.ro/ and at the Bucharest National Opera Ticket Office.
