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Over 300 raids on drug, human trafficking and cyber crime groups

Prosecutors and police are carrying out more than 300 raids on organised crime groups specialising in drug trafficking, human trafficking, exploitation of vulnerable persons and cybercrime.

"At this moment, as part of a wide-ranging operation, DIICOT [Directorate for Investigating Organised Crime and Terrorism] prosecutors, the Romanian Police and Border Police, with the support of the Romanian Gendarmerie, are carrying out 58 operational actions to dismantle organised criminal groups specialising in trafficking in risk and high-risk drugs, as well as operations involving psychoactive substances. Cases involving trafficking in human beings, exploitation of vulnerable persons and cybercrime are also targeted. Within the coordinated operation, carried out at national level, DIICOT prosecutors together with police officers will execute more than 300 house search warrants and about 300 arrest warrants," DIICOT said in a press release.

The action is part of a series of similar initiatives carried out by DIICOT since 2018.

"The purpose of the searches carried out on this date is to obtain evidence about the illegal activity of organised crime groups and other persons involved in criminal activities associated with organized crime, in order to hold them criminally liable, as well as to identify assets likely to be seized or intended for the recovery of damages. The actions are aimed at creating an optimal climate of safety for citizens and protecting the victims of crime," DIICOT said.
