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President of Germany: We have a veritable war in Europe after Russia's attack on Ukraine

Currently, "a real war is going on in Europe", the president of the Federal Republic of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, declared in Sibiu, on Thursday, who repeated the call for unity in this context.

He met, together with President Klaus Iohannis, with the representatives of the German community in Romania.

"We are still meeting today under special conditions, conditions with which no one thought we would meet again. We have a real war in Europe after Russia's attack on Ukraine - so much destruction, so many victims and this already for over a year," said Frank-Walter Steinmeier, according to the official translation.

He began his state visit on Wednesday, in Bucharest, when he held a press conference with his Romanian counterpart.

"Yesterday we used this day to assure each other of unity in the European Union and within NATO and that the friendship between two states, such as Romania and Germany, is so important to preserve peace and security," the German president said.

He recalled that his first visit to Sibiu was when this city was designated European Cultural Capital and the mayor was Klaus Iohannis. "It fascinated me the first time," confessed the president of Germany, who is also a citizen of honour of Sibiu.

Frank-Walter Steinmeier evoked the German community in Romania, but also "the ever-growing community of Romanians in Germany".

"I think we have to honour both sides and know that they contribute and have contributed to the improvement of relations between our countries and to the fact that these are so close and based on trust," he added.
