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Romania, 4th in world in terms of Internet connection speed

A survey of the Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy (IRES) indicates that Romania ranks 4th in the world's classification of the highest Internet connection speeds, being outpaced only by South Korea, Hong Kong and Japan.

The survey, released on Monday, sought to establish for what Romanians use mainly the Internet, how many hours they spend on average being online and the most searched websites.

''More than one half of Romanians say they are Internet users (52%) and only 3% of these do not have the possibility to access the Internet at home. As to the frequency of accessing this service, 68% of the respondents spend daily some time on the Internet, plus 26% who access the Internet several times a week. Daily, 30.5% of users spend at least half an hour on the Internet, while 32.7% of Internet users spend between one and three hours a day being online'', the survey reads.

As to the degree of satisfaction with the speed of Internet data traffic, 89.5% of the users say they pleased or very pleased with it. The percentage of those very displeased stands at only 0.6%.

The survey was conducted February 23-24, 2011, on a sample of 1,146 individuals from urban areas, through the CATI method.
